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Durango Colorado Churches-Alphabetically

" KEYWORD Durango Colorado Churches-Alphabetically"

ADAT AMOH - A messianic congregation that holds meetings on Saturdays at 2:00pm at the 7th Day Adventist Church on Florida Road. For more information call Shawn Smith at 375-6358.

BAHA'I FAITH COMMUNITIES - Devotional programs every Sunday at 9:00am followed by Spiritual Growth study classes at 10:00am. For more information, call 247-8072 or 259-1626

BUDDHIST MEDITATION GROUP/DURANGO SANGHA - 2530 Colorado Ave., Ste 1B. Weekly sitting groups Mondays and Thursdays 5:30pm. For more information, call Katherine Barr 382-0338 or visit

CALVARY CHAPEL - held at the 7th Day Adventist Church, 1775 Florida Road. Sunday service: 9:30 AM and Wednesday Study: 7:00 PM. Call 259-9476 for information

CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN - 495 Florida Road (by Chapman Hill), 247-5310. Contemporary Worship: Saturday at 6:00 PM and Sunday at 8:05 AM. Traditional Worship: Sunday at 10:30 AM. Educational Hour for all ages: Sunday at 9:15 AM. Nursery care all Sunday morning.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER-DAY SAINTS - 2 Hilltop Circle, 247-0734, 1ST Ward Sacrament meeting 9:00 AM.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH AND READING ROOM - 1166 East 3rd Avenue, 247-0218, Church Service: 11:00 AM, Sunday School: 9:45 AM, Wednesday Testimony Meeting: 7:30 PM, Radio program Sunday at 8:30 AM on 104.5 FM, Reading Room: call for hours.

COMMUNITY OF CHRIST - 2999 W. 2nd Avenue, 385-2294, Sunday Service: 10:00 AM. Call 884-4359

CORNERSTONE CHURCH - 31st Street & West 2nd Avenue, 259-6433, Sunday School: 9:00 AM, Service: 10:00 AM.

DURANGO BAPTIST CHURCH - 1440 Florida Road, 247-5934, Sunday Worship: 10:45 AM, Bible Fellowship: 9:30 AM. Call 247-5934

DURANGO CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 3rd Avenue & 11th Street. Contemporary Service at 9:00am, Traditional Service 10:30am. Call 247-1929 or visit

DURANGO CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - 419 San Juan Drive, 247-4975, Sunday School & Worship both at 9:00 AM and 10:45 AM, Evening Praise and Youth Activities: 6:00 PM, Prayer Meeting & Bible Study: Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

DURANGO FAITH FELLOWSHIP - Sundays at 10:00 AM at 185 Suttle Street (Bodo Industrial Park). Call 375-0909 or visit

DURANGO FRIENDS MEETING (QUAKERS) - 803 C.R. 233, 247-5597 or 247-0538, Unprogrammed Meeting: 9:00 AM Discussion, 10:00 AM Worship.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - 3rd Avenue & 11th Street, 247-0624, Worship: 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM, Sunday School & Adult Ed: 9:30 AM, Coffee & Donuts: 9:15 AM and 10:30 AM

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCUSA)- East 3rd Avenue & 12th Street, 247-3175, Worship: 8:15 AM & 10:30 AM, Sunday School: 9:30 AM.

FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH - 1715 W. 2nd Avenue, 247-3821, Worship: 11:00 AM, Bible Study: 9:45 AM, Wednesday Evening: 6:00 PM.

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 2917 Aspen Drive, 247-4213, Contemporary Worship 8:00AM & 9:30 AM. Traditional Worship 11:00. Sunday School 9:30 AM.

FLORIDA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 1024 C.R. 230 Florida Mesa, 749-6295, Sunday Worship: 8:00 & 10:00 AM, Sunday School: 10:00 AM.

FORT LEWIS COLLEGE CHAPEL - FLC Campus 1000 Rim Drive, 247-7391. Call for information on services, meditation hours, or reserving the chapel.

FRONTIER BAPTIST CHURCH - 2201 Forest Avenue Durango, Colorado 81301, (970) 247-5444, Sunday School: 10:00 AM, Worship: 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM, Wednesday Evenings: 7:00 PM.

HEART OF THE ROCKIES FELLOWSHIP - Animas Valley Elementary School in Hermosa, Sunday Worship & Celebration: 10:00 AM.

HUMANIST SOCIETY HOC/AHA - 259-2216, Call for location and times.

JEWISH CONGREGATION HAR SHALOM - 385-0613, Call for location and times, Sabbath Services: Friday evening (twice a month and special holidays).

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Held weekly at Durango Community Recreation Center. Ask at the front desk for the meeting room. Call 247-3030 for information on services. Sunday Meeting: 10:30 AM, Monday Meeting: 7:30 PM.

NEW LIFE CHAPEL - 247-7777, Sunday Worship: 9:00 & 10:45 AM with nursery, children's and youth programs. Call for locations.

PROVIDENCE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) - Meeting at the First Southern Baptist Church, 1715 W. 2nd Avenue at 3:00 PM Sunday. Call 259-1520 or (505) 326-4878 for information.

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH - 254 5th Avenue, 247-3997, Weekday Mass: 8:00 AM, Sunday Service: 9:00 AM and noon Spanish mass, Saturday Service: 6:00 PM. Confession ½ hour before each mass

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - 1775 Florida Road (C.R. 240), 259-3580, Sunday Worship: 11:30 AM, Saturday Study: 10:00 AM, Wednesday Study: 7:00 PM

ST. COLUMBA CATHOLIC CHURCH - 1800 E. 2nd Avenue, 247-0044, Sunday Service: 9:00 AM & 11:15 AM, Saturday Service: 5:00 PM, Saturday Confessions: 4:00 PM. Call for weekday and holiday mass schedules.

ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 910 E. 3rd Avenue, 247-1129, Sunday Services: 7:30 AM - Rite 1 and 10:15 AM - Rite 2, Weekday Service: Call for schedule.

ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH - 2611 Junction Street, 247-0357, Sunday Worship: 10:15 AM, Sunday School and Adult Bible Class: 9:00 AM.

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP - 1309 E. 3rd Avenue in room 16 of the Smiley Building, 884-9722, Sunday: 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon.

UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - 1990 Florida Road, 259-7786, Sunday Services: 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Wednesday: 7:00 PM

THE UNITY CHURCH OF DURANGO - 301 East 12th Street at 3rd Avenue in room 2 of The Mason Center, 385-5450, Sunday: 11:00 AM.

UNITY IN SPIRIT - 848 E. 3rd Avenue at Rocky Mountain Retreat, 382-9307, Sunday: 10:00 AM.

VICTORIOUS LIFE FELLOWSHIP / ASSEMBLY OF GOD- 25th & Junction Street, 247-0355, Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM, Wednesday ACTION: 6:30 PM (adult and children's training)