"ColoradoTown.com KEYWORD La Plata County Senior Services"
The office of La Plata County Senior Services is located at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center, 2424 Main Avenue in Durango.
The Durango/La Plata Senior Center offers a variety of services including nutritional meals, a home chore program, recreational and social activities, information, referral and outreach. The Home Chore Program provides assistance to seniors for minor safety, heavy cleaning, yard work and snow shoveling. Please call (970) 247-9136 for more information and coordination of services.
Nutritional meals are served at the Senior Center at 12:00 noon daily. The suggested donation price is $3.00 for adults age 60 and over. Meal reservations are required. Please call (970) 247-1965 by 10:00 daily for meal reservations.
For additional information about senior services please call the Durango/La Plata Senior Center at (970) 247-1965.