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Steamboat Springs Churches-Alphabetically

" KEYWORD Steamboat Springs Churches-Alphabetically"

Anchor Way Baptist Church
40650 Anchor Way, 879-7062

Christian Science Church
Seventh and Oak St., 879-5028

Church of Christ
39820 W. U.S. 40, 879-6670

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
1055 Central Park Drive, 879-0220

Concordia Lutheran Church
755 Concordia Lane, 879-0175

Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
3000 Elk River Road, 879-4075

Euzoa Bible Church
32305 Routt County Rd. 38, 879-0123

First Baptist Church
40995 Elk River Rd., 879-1446

Har Mishpachat (a Jewish Community Group)
For information call Linda Liman at 879-2082

Holy Name Catholic Church
524 Oak St., 879-0671

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Ninth and Oak St., 879-0925

Seventh Day Adventists Church
347 12th St., 879-3857

Steamboat Christian Center
The Log Church on E. U.S. 40, 879-0063

Steamboat Springs Evangelical Free Church,
Meets at the Christian Heritage School, 27285 Brandon Circle in Heritage Park (four miles west of town on Hwy 40), 879-3020

United Methodist Church
Eighth and Oak St., 879-1290