"ColoradoTown.com KEYWORD Evergreen Colorado Organizations-Alphabetically"
Adaptive Adventures Address: P.O. Box 2245 Evergreen, CO 80437 Contact: Ian Lawless Phone: (303) 679-2770 Fax: (303) 670-8290 Email: adaptive@aol.com Url: http://www.edaptive.org An Evergreen based, 501(c) 3, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving lives of children/adults with disabilities, and their families through outdoor sports & recreation.
Alpine Rescue Team Address: El Rancho (behind fire station) Evergreen, CO 80439 Contact: John M Wells Phone: (303) 526-5971 Email: jmwpi@att.net All volunteer mountain rescue team of approximately 50 members dedicated to saving lives through backcountry rescues and mountain safety education
Blue Spruce Kiwanis Address: P.O. Box 1153 Evergreen, CO 80437-1153 Contact: Lauren Alter Phone: (303) 697-4175
DriveSmart Evergreen/Conifer Address: 3112 Evergreen Pkwy. Evergreen, CO Contact: Tom Carby Phone: (303) 674-9683 Fax: (303) 674-3960 Email: staff@drivesmarte-c.org Url: http://www.drivesmarte-c.org DRIVE SMART Evergreen/Conifer in a non-profit community organization working in partnership with business, education, civic, community and governmental agencies to develop solutions to transportation safety issues, and to change attitudes and behaviors in order to reduce traffic related injuries and fatalities.
Evergreen Business Builders Address: Golden, CO 80401 Contact: Paul Garton Phone: (303) 526-4555 Fax: (303) 526-4555 Email: info@evergreenbusiness.org Url: http://www.evergreenbusiness.org Evergreen Business Builders is a professional networking organization dedicated to the growth of each member's business. We accomplish this goal through the exchange of business referrals, the sponsorship of business gatherings, and co-operative advertising. We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30am at Le Peep restaurant (Bergen Park).
Evergreen Christian Outreach Address: 27640 Hwy. 74 Evergreen, CO 80439 Contact: Lesley Jackson Phone: (303) 670-1796 Fax: (303) 670-1976 Email: echo80439@juno.com we are here to help local people who are going through a crisis in their lives, and to help them get back on their feet. We have a food and clothing bank; we can also help with rent/mortgage, auto repair, utilities, phone, medications and child care costs, when funds allow. Resale store in Evergeen North provides funds for our programs. Open Monday - Friday, 10am - 5pm, Saturdays 10am - 4pm. Donations accepted in the mornings
Evergreen Newcomers Club Address: P.O. Box 2197 Evergreen, CO 80437-2197 Contact: Mary Susan Evans Phone: (303) 679-1258 Url: http://www.evergreennewcomers.com Open to everyone - both men and women. Open to surrounding areas including Genesse, Lookout Mt., & Mt. Vernon. Provides recreational and social activities for both new arrivals and established residents. Provides an instant circle of friends and community contacts.
Evergreen Rodeo Association, Inc. Address: 29830 Stagecoach Blvd. Evergreen, CO 80439 Contact: John Orlando Phone: (303) 670-3928 Url: http://www.evergreenrodeo.com Every summer on the third weekend in June, The Evergreen Rodeo Association, a local community organization, sponsors the Evergreen Rodeo and Parade. This traditional event dates back to 1935. The Saturday morning Parade is followed by PRCA Rodeo on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
The Friendship Bridge Inc. Address: 3560 Hwy. 74, B-2 Evergreen, CO 80439 Contact: Sue Dorsey Phone: (303) 674-0717 Fax: (303) 674-1525 Email: info@friendshipbridge.org Url: http://www.friendshipbridge.org Friendship Bridge is a unique non-profit organization that supports microcredit, health and education programs in Vietnam and the villages surrounding the Lake Atitlan Region fo Guatemala. Friendship Bridge helps to empower women to become equal economic participants and voices for change within their families and communities.
Mountain Area Land Trust Address: P.O. Box 4063 Evergreen, CO 80437-4063 Contact: Kristen Costello Phone: (303) 679-0950 Fax: (303) 679-0949 Email: maltco@juno.com url: http://www.savetheland.org Non-profit organization with the mission to help preserve the character of the mountain communities in western Jefferson, eastern Clear Creek and eastern Park counties by preserving open lands and natural areas of significant scenic, environmental or historical value.
Mountain Community Pride in Youth Address: 29300 Buffalo Park Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Contact: Sheila Kelly Phone: (303) 982-5050 E op7 Fax: (303) 982-5141 Email: sheila_dana@hotmail.com Url: http://www.mountaincommunitypride.org Mountain Community Pride in Youth is a non-profit grass roots community organization whose goal is to educate, promote and support the building of the "40 Developmental Assets" through a joint partnership of the School, Youth, Faith, Parent and Business/Organization Communities.
Rotary Club of Evergreen P.O. Box 3879 Evergreen, CO 80437 Contact: Bill Manning, President Phone: (303) 794-8686 Url: http://www.evergreenrotary.org Rotary is an international civic organization of business and professional men and women united worldwide to foster humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and to help build goodwill, better friendships and peace through the world community.