4-H Clubs: Margie 587-2627; Rhonda 587-5124 American Legion 587-4500 Boy Scouts 330-6305 Boys and Girls Club 587-5814 Cheerful Learner's Club 587-2071 Cub Scouts (Brenda Chinn) 587-4861 Estrellita Club 587-2783 Garden Club 587-4898 Girl Scouts 888-801-1269 Johnstown-Milliken Chamber of Commerce 587-7042 Johnstown Historical Society 587-4403 Johnstown Saddle Club 587-4066 Ladies Auxiliary 587-4500 Lions Club 336-6082 League of Women Voters 587-4151 Newcomers Club 587-7042 P.E.O. 587-9346 Roosevelt High Booster Club...call RHS for contact 587-6000 Roosevelt High Music Booster Club 587-6033 Rotary Club 587-4295 Veterans of Foreign Wars 587-4500