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Kaufman & Findley, P.C.
200 E. Seventh Street - Suite 318
Loveland, C0
Phone: (970) 667-8888
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Law Office of Kaufman & Findley

William G. Kaufman

Legal Services for businesses, individuals, and profit and non-profit organizations.

We provide a full range of legal representation, including the following services:

•The formation and maintenence of corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies. •The preparation and review of contracts for the sale and financing of all kinds of goods, services, real estate and buildings. •The preparation and review of contracts and closing documents for selling or purchasing a business. •Advice and representation in real estate construction, sales, exchanges, leases, loans, title insurance, eminent domain, landlord/tenant, zoning and planning matters and proceedings. •Estate planning and the preparation of wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. •Probate and estate tax proceedings and litigation. •Preparation, advice and representation in guardianships and conservatorships.